Regional convention for the recognition of studies

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UNESCO has for decades promoted the recognition of higher education studies, degrees and diplomas in the six regions of the world, in an attempt to encourage countries to ensure that higher education credentials obtained abroad due to academic mobility are recognized, and that knowledge and talent flow to foster mutual understanding and economic and social development at an international scale. 

Academic mobility in the region is gradually moving towards a new stage. Some factors, external to higher education systems, are clearly emerging, such as demographic transformations, migrations or technological developments, among others. These can represent both challenges and opportunities in the sense that they can promote the consolidation of a shared space for knowledge, science and research.

For all these reasons, at UNESCO IESALC we promote the necessary mechanisms to guarantee the mobility of professionals, thus strengthening a model of social leadership that allows economic and sustainable development of countries.

Thanks to the Regional Convention for the Recognition of Studies, Degrees and Diplomas in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, we can guarantee that migratory flows incorporate the recognition of talent as a social value of our region.  
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  • Destinatários

    DestinatáriosDesigned for government officials with responsibilities in the recognition and homologation of studies, students and representatives of internationalization of universities and civil society in general.
  • Requisitos

    RequisitosNo previous specific knowledge is required to take this course. In order to take advantage of it, it is suggested to have basic knowledge of digital tools.
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The overall objective of the course is to provide an overview of the value of the World Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education as an instrument to facilitate international academic mobility and to promote the right of individuals to have their qualifications assessed through fair, transparent, non-discriminatory and timely mechanisms.


  1. To know the background to the Global and Regional Convention for the Recognition of Studies and Academic Mobility. 
  2. Identify the advantages of the Regional Agreement to promote and strengthen international cooperation in higher education. 
  3. Promote initiatives for the ratification of the Convention in your country.


Module 1: Academic mobility

Module 2: The Global Convention on the Recognition of Degrees and Diplomas in Higher Education

Module 3: International Conventions on the recognition of studies and academic degree

Module 4: Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Degrees and Diplomas in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

Module 5: All you need to know about the recognition of studies, degrees and diplomas in higher education


Francisco Contreras

Francisco Contreras es sociólogo de la Universidad de Estocolmo (Suecia), con estudios de Máster en Sociología de la Educación con especialización en internacionalización de la educación superior de la Universidad de Uppsala (Suecia).  Especialista en temas de reconocimientos  de estudios y credenciales con más de 10 años de experencia en la institución del Ministerio de Educación de Suecia, Swedish Council for Higher Education (ENIC-NARIC Sweden). Sus áreas de trabajo y especialización son: el sistema de reconocimiento de credenciales, la digitalización del sistema de reconocimientos y la internacionalización de la educación superior.

José Antonio Quinteiro Goris

José Antonio Quinteiro Goris es bibliotecólogo (CumLaude) egresado de la Universidad Central de Venezuela y abogado (posición 10 entre 236 graduandos) por esta misma casa de estudios. Posee una Especialización en Gestión de Servicios de Información de la Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela) y una Maestría (‘Top 5% Honours Class’) en Administración y Gerencia de la Universidad de Sheffield (Inglaterra). Sus principales líneas de investigación son la movilidad académica transfronteriza, los derechos humanos y sus mecanismos de protección, el derecho a la Educación propiamente dicho y derechos conexos.


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