Learning Design and Education for Sustainable Development BOOTCAMP

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The Learning Design and Education for Sustainable Development (EDS) Bootcamp offers a highly flexible and enriching 8-week program, designed to meet the needs of academics, learning designers, educational developers and students. This course not only focuses on supporting university teams in creating curricula for online teaching and blended learning modalities, but is also dedicated to mentoring and supporting selected teams in the design and implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in their study plans. All of this is done under the robust framework provided by CoDesignS and the EDS Toolkit. Participating teams will develop innovative curricular components that will significantly contribute to the successful integration of ESD into higher education practices, and will do so in a module of their choice, thus personalizing their educational approach.

The Bootcamp goes beyond conventional curricular design by offering an experience in integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into study plans. This involves identifying opportunities to include topics related to sustainability, environmental and social ethics in academic programs.

The course provides a unique opportunity to improve curriculum design skills, learn about the integration of Education for Sustainable Development and collaborate with other professionals and students interested in these fields. It is a valuable investment for those who wish to contribute to the advancement of sustainable and effective education.

  • Preinscripción

    PreinscripciónReserve your spot here.

    Start date: October 4, 2024

  • Precio


    $2,950 USD per team of up to three participants. Teams from low-income countries will receive an additional 25% discount. Payment will be made directly to the Association for Learning Design and Education for Sustainable Development (ALDESD). For any questions please contact: support@aldesd.org

  • Compartir

  • Destinatarios

    DestinatariosThis course is designed for a wide range of professionals and students interested in improving their skills in learning design and contributing to sustainable development, including academics, learning designers, educational developers and administrative part of higher education institutions.
  • Requisitos

    RequisitosNo specific prior knowledge is necessary to carry out this program. For its best use, it is suggested to have basic knowledge in the use of digital tools and an internet connection.

    This course is aimed at the teams participating in the Learning Design and ESD Bootcamp.

    © 2024 Learning Design and ESD Bootcamp 

  • Licencia

  • Acreditación

    • Acreditación

      At the end of the program you will obtain a certificate with a QR identifier issued by UNESCO IESALC and a digital credential that certifies that you have completed the training process.

  • Contacto

    Para mas información soporte@campusiesalc.org



By the end of the Bootcamp, the participants will be able to: 

• Discuss the concept of sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

• Define what ESD is and the difference it can make to curricula and pedagogy in Higher Education (HE). 

• Discuss the concept of transformative pedagogies and the application of active learning methodology into learning and teaching practice. 

• Describe learning design concepts and approaches as well as the importance of the three pillars of the CoDesignS ESD Framework for developing HE curriculums. 

• Design curriculum elements contributing to embedding ESD in HE practices using the CoDesignS ESD Framework.


Module 1: Introduction to Education for Sustainable Development

Module 2: Transformative Pedagogies

Module 3: Learning Design and CoDesignS ESD

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