ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in higher education

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ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that has taken the world by storm, reaching 100 million users just two months after its launch. In addition to the dynamic changes in technology, the ethical implications of ChatGPT and other forms of AI are also advancing rapidly. This seminar will present the Quick Start Guide we have published at IESALC and provide an overview of how ChatGPT works, as well as some of its main uses in higher education. The impact of ChatGPT on higher education has been immediate and divisive. Although its applications in higher education are extensive, many universities have already banned it for fear of student plagiarism, and several countries have blocked ChatGPT. The Quick Start Guide poses some of the main ethical challenges and implications of AI in higher education and offers practical cases of interest. Recognizing that AI has both positive and negative effects, UNESCO published a series of recommendations on AI ethics at the end of 2021 to provide guidelines aimed at ensuring that different AI systems work for the improvement not only of humanity (individuals and societies) but also for the good of the environment and ecosystems. Additionally, UNESCO's publication describes emerging practices in education and analyzes the challenges of using AI to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education).

Due to its ability to generate and evaluate information, ChatGPT can play a variety of roles in teaching and learning processes. Along with other forms of AI, ChatGPT could improve the learning process and experience for students. To do this, ChatGPT can be used as a standalone tool or can feed chatbots that are integrated into the systems and platforms of higher education institutions. ChatGPT has also been tested in other research-related processes, such as completing technical parts of research grant applications (e.g., communication plans). An experimental use of ChatGPT to evaluate its ability to provide peer review of academic articles found that it can potentially help predict whether an article will be accepted.
Some sections of this Quick Start Guide have been adapted from Harnessing the era of Artificial Intelligence in higher education: A Manual for Higher Education Stakeholders, which will be published by UNESCO IESALC in 2023.


The topics that will be covered in the seminar are as follows:

  • What is ChatGPT?
  • Introduction to AI
  • Applications of ChatGPT in higher education
  • Challenges and ethical implications
  • UNESCO recommendations on AI ethics
  • Adapting to ChatGPT in your higher education institution.

  • Compartir

  • Destinatarios


    Quality Managers, Teachers, Tutors, Facilitators and Professionals who wish to improve skills in the Teaching-Learning processes.

  • Requisitos


    To carry out this seminar, no prior specific knowledge is necessary. For its best use, it is suggested to have basic knowledge in the use of digital tools and an internet connection.

  • Acreditación

    • Acreditación

      At the end of the Seminar you will obtain the Participation Diploma issued by UNESCO IESALC and the digital credential that certifies that you have completed the training process.

  • Contacto

    Para mas información



  • Carry out the registration process in ChatGPT and start its use with a free account.
  • Know the main applications of Artificial Intelligence and specifically ChatGPT in higher education contexts.
  • Reflect on the challenges and ethical implications related to the use of ChatGPT in the different dimensions of higher education.
  • Know the ethical recommendations made by UNESCO regarding Artificial Intelligence and application models.


Emma Sabzalieva

Emma Sabzalieva, PhD, is Head of Research and Foresight at UNESCO IESALC. She currently leads flagship projects on the right to higher education and digital transformation and artificial intelligence in higher education. Previous research and analysis projects at UNESCO IESALC have focussed on the futures of higher education, virtual student mobility, academic freedom, and self-regulation in higher education.

Dr Sabzalieva is an international higher education specialist with two decades of research, teaching, policy analysis, consultancy, and university administration expertise spanning three continents.

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