Microcredentials Initiative for ALC

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Microcredentials have emerged as an innovative alternative for the recognition of learning and competencies in a world in constant transformation. In Latin America and the Caribbean, its adoption poses challenges and opportunities for higher education, vocational training and the development of human talent.

This seminar includes the sessions held in the city of Montevideo on February 10 and 11, 2025 in the framework of the Meeting of Stakeholders on Microcredentials in Latin America and the Caribbean

The different interventions offer an overview of microcredentials in the region, addressing their conceptualization, characteristics, implementation models and international frameworks. Through case analyses, discussions, and hands-on activities, participants will understand the potential of micro-credentials to strengthen employability, educational inclusion, and labor mobility.

At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of microcredentials and their relevance in the educational and work context.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities for its implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • To analyze experiences and models of microcredentials at the regional and international level.
  • Reflect on strategies for the development and recognition of microcredentials in different sectors.

Join us on this journey to understand the impact of micro-credentials on the education and employment of the future!

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  • Recipients


    Representatives of public and private universities, regional networks of technical and vocational education institutions, and regional university networks. Educational technology providers. Quality Assurance Bodies, student organizations, regional employers' associations, among others.

  • Requirements


    No previous specific knowledge is necessary to take this seminar. To make the best use of it, it is suggested to have basic knowledge in the use of digital tools and internet connection.

  • License

  • Accreditation

    • Accreditation

      At the end of the Seminar you will obtain the Diploma of participation issued by UNESCO IESALC and the digital credential that certifies that you have completed the training process.

  • Contact

    More information: soporte@campusiesalc.org



Learning outcomes:

  • To analyze the current state of microcredentials in Latin America and the Caribbean, identifying trends, challenges, and opportunities for their implementation and recognition.
  • To explore experiences and success stories in the development and integration of micro-credentials in different educational and labor sectors in the region.
  • Identify strategies and frameworks that facilitate collaboration between educational institutions, employers, and governments for the adoption of micro-credentials.
  • Propose joint actions to strengthen the micro-credential ecosystem in the region, promoting its quality, interoperability, and recognition at the national and international levels.

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