Keys to virtual training: active learning and ICT integration

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Virtual Training has become a very valuable tool for education and learning. It is based on active learning, ICT integration, adequate instructional design, effective communication, and regular evaluation and feedback. It promotes in students the skills of searching, analyzing and synthesizing information, as well as active adaptation to problem solving.
  • Active Learning: Active learning implies that students not only receive information, but also actively participate in the learning process.
  • ICT integration: ICT allows for greater interaction and collaboration between students and teachers, as well as easier access to a wide variety of educational resources.
  • Appropriate instructional design: This involves creating effective learning materials and organizing them in a way that makes them easy to follow and understand.
  • Effective communication: Students should have easy access to teachers and each other to discuss course topics and solve any problems.
  • Assessment and feedback: Students should receive regular feedback to know how they are progressing and what areas need improvement.


  1. Keys to virtual training.
  2. Active learning: opportunities for improvement.
  3. Innovative learning environment with active learning.
  4. Design of active and linked learning environment.
  5. Design of a 70, 20, 10 model.

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  • Destinataires


    Teachers, Tutors, Facilitators and Professionals who wish to improve competencies in the Teaching-Learning processes.

  • Exigences


    No previous specific knowledge is required for this seminar. In order to take advantage of it, it is suggested to have basic knowledge in the use of digital tools and internet connection.

  • Accréditation

    • Accréditation

      At the end of the Seminar you will obtain the Diploma of participation issued by UNESCO IESALC and the digital credential that certifies that you have completed the training process.


  • Contact

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Apply active learning as a creative way to learn, help solve problems and develop leaders, innovate and improve the performance of work teams.


Kely Alejandra Quiros Duarte

Ingeniera de Sistemas con énfasis en telecomunicaciones y especialista en gestión de proyectos informáticos, Magister en Tecnología Educativa y Competencias Digitales, candidata a doctor en Educación, con énfasis en Tecnología Educativa e Innovación Educativa con TIC.
Me apasiona la enseñanza en línea, certificada internacionalmente como Microsoft Educator, lo que me ha permitido mejorar mis habilidades en la integración de tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Me considero una profesional proactiva, innovadora y creativa, capaz de diseñar soluciones tecnológicas para el desarrollo de cursos y recursos educativos en línea de alta calidad, enfocados en el aprendizaje efectivo y la satisfacción del usuario.
Cuento con experiencia en la administración de LMS, repositorios de contenidos y he sido asesora internacional para la UNESCO y la ANECA. Mi experiencia en pedagogía e investigación me ha permitido dirigir proyectos en RedColsi y ser miembro activo de la comunidad Redolac. 
Busco continuamente nuevos desafíos y oportunidades para seguir creciendo profesionalmente en el campo de la tecnología educativa y las TIC.

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